Hern & Crabtree & Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama (RWCMD)
The Challenge
• To promote a positive message about Hern & Crabtree to communities across South Wales.
• To gain additional brand exposure for Hern & Crabtree.
• To support the education of young people across South Wales.
The Solution
A&B Cymru brokered a partnership between the Estate Agents and the College. Hern & Crabtree sponsored workshops for children from two Cardiff North schools, introducing them to high quality live music, as well as their national conservatoire.
A&B Cymru invested in the project through CultureStep, funding a tour of workshops to schools across South East Wales.
The Results
The College delivered workshops for children from two schools and from the Gwent Music Service. The sessions were led by the College’s Head of Brass, Roger Argente, and supported by students from the brass and percussion courses. In addition to the workshops, the children were taken on a guided tour of the College and they attended a concert performed by its students.
With CultureStep investment, five RWCMD student ensemble groups delivered On the Move workshops to a further 43 schools. The tour, which covered areas from Pontypridd to Chepstow, far exceeded the original target of five schools, providing much-needed support and resource in delivering the music curriculum.
In total, 10,085 children from a range of backgrounds engaged with high quality musical activity through the project. Hern & Crabtree directly supported the education of young people in South Wales, sharing a positive message about its work to the local community. The large audiences and widespread publicity provided valuable brand exposure for the Estate Agents.
As a result of the strong relationship that developed from the sponsorship, RWCMD also hosted an exclusive event for over 300 Hern & Crabtree guests. Guests attended Christmas on Broadway, followed by a drinks reception to celebrate the On the Move project. This helped retain and build the business’ loyal customer base, increase brand exposure, and boost its reputation as a good neighbour in the communities it serves.
In 2022, the partnership has been further extended through the business’ sponsorship of Cabaret at the College. CultureStep has once again supported the collaboration by funding On the Move workshops at secondary schools across South Wales.
The Endorsement
As a business handling property all over Cardiff and the South Wales area, Hern & Crabtree plays a full and active role in the communities it serves and wanted to sponsor a project that reflected this. The sponsorship also aimed to increase the pride of Hern & Crabtree staff in the role they play in giving something back to the local area.
Michael Baillie, Director, Hern & Crabtree
The relationship provided many benefits to RWCMD. It gave the College an opportunity to build relationships with local schools and reach out to those who hadn’t yet taken part in the existing outreach programme. Learnings have fed into the new outreach programme strategy, informing how we work with schools in future.
Gwenan Jenkins-Jones, Development Officer, Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama