Bad Wolf & Hijinx
The Challenge
The business wished to demonstrate its commitment to building a performing arts industry in Wales that reflects the diversity of the communities in which it is based.
Hijinx’s goal is to give opportunities to neurodiverse people, enabling them to reach their full potantial and become financially independent.
Both partners wished to encourage others to adopt inclusive practices by sharing best practice.
The Solution
Bad Wolf sponsored Hijinx to provide professional industry experiences for learning disabled actors on the film production Stones and Dust.
The Results
Bad Wolf’s support of Hijinx’s film enabled 4 neurodivergent actors and 15 freelance creatives to gain paid professional experience, fulfilling Hijinx’s mission of demonstrating best practice in the creation of inclusive film, and increasing the representation of neurodivergent people on screen and in wider society.
The Endorsement
Without our partnership with Bad Wolf, nor the additional funding from CultureStep, Hijinx would not have been in a position to offer these opportunities. Having Bad Wolf’s name linked so strongly to Hijinx has helped elevate the project and the company’s standing in the film/TV world. Importantly, this then raises the prominence of our mission to improve representation in a meaningful, authentic way.
Greta Bettinson – Hijinx Theatre
This project provided Bad Wolf with a fantastic marketing opportunity to reach new audiences and strengthen its brand across Wales, demonstrating its connection and commitment to making the arts accessible to everybody, increasing the representation of marginalised groups on screen, and widening the demographic of those it employs.
Hannah Raybould, Bad Wolf